Results and solutions
Published papers, databases, case studies, deliverable reportsMET database
Get data on the cultivation thresholds of aquatic animals and plants on the Maritime and Environmental Thresholds for Aquaculture databa
Case studies
Find out how climate change will affect Europe’s main fish and shellfish, and the industries that rely on them.

Deliverable reports (PDF)
Reports delivered to the European Commission on the progress of CERES
Deliverable Report 1.1 (communicating the CERES socio-political storylines)
Deliverable Report 1.2 (exploratory socio-political scenarios for the fishery and aquaculture sectors in Europe)
Deliverable Report 1.3 (projections of physical and biogeochemical parameters and habitat indicators for European seas)
Deliverable Report 1.4 (synthesis of projected impacts of climate and anthropogenic change on European river flows)
Deliverable Report 2.1 (species responses to climate-related factors, and their interactions)
(Deliverable Report 2.2 (historical changes of biological responses to climate change for different species groups)
Deliverable Report 2.3 (climate change predictions for targeted fish and shellfish species at required spatial and temporal scales)
Deliverable Report 3.1 (Tools (statistical/probabilistic early warning tools) allow industry to prevent and mitigate indirect effects of climate change)
Deliverable Report 3.2 (Improved and validated modelling tools for analysis of climate change to aquaculture productivity at both local- and ecosystem-scale)
Deliverable report 4.1 (Report on minimising economic losses, opportunities and challenges for fisheries in Europe)
Deliverable report 4.2 (Report summarises activities and outputs with regard to minimizing economic losses, opportunities and challenges for aquaculture in Europe)
Deliverable report 4.3 (Report on future availability of fish meal and on the national impacts and regional macroeconomic implications of changes to fisheries and aquaculture sectors)
Deliverable report 5.1 (Industry- and policy-driven conceptual frameworks of climate change impacts based on stakeholder engagement including bow-tie and other analyses conducted in Task 5.1)
Deliverable report 5.2 (The report summarises activities in Task 5.2 and provides quantitative, probabilistic measures of risk to different fisheries and aquaculture sectors using a novel, quantitative environmental risk assessment framework combining Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) with the Bow-Tie diagrams developed in T5.1)
Deliverable report 5.3 (The report provides the results of semi-quantitative analyses combining region-specific exposure (WP1), sensitivity (biological WP2-3 and economic WP4) and adaptive capacity of species/groups and their associated fisheries or aquaculture industry segment to provide ranks of vulnerability. The report will include analyses on both information-rich (e.g. Task 5.2) and information poor components to assess vulnerability across a broad array of European fishery fleets or aquaculture production systems)
This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 678193 (CERES, Climate Change and European Aquatic Resources). The content of this website does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the author(s).
March 2016 - February 2020 I 5.6 Mio Euros .
CERES Office Universität Hamburg, Germany
Professor Dr. Myron Peck, scientific coordinator
Anastasia Walter, project manager
Phone +49 40 42 838 9891
Twitter @ceresproject_eu